As a follow-up to my recent post about the panel (description here) I was part of at the Boston Bar Association, presenting about my Livescribe 3 smartpen, I have an update to share about [...]
Join me and tech-savvy lawyers for a free presentation on tech tools to increase efficiency for lawyers, and everyone else. The panel is at the Boston Bar Association on Thursday, February 19, [...]
Sure, it’s too general to say that no one likes surprises, and it’s not true: plenty of people like some surprises. For instance, I like being surprised with Sox tickets… so [...]
Getting a patent can be a slow process. The USPTO is a government agency, staffed by engineers and attorneys (and nerds of all stripes!), and they are always busy. It has forms and [...]
After clients ask if they can patent an idea, and what is required to patent it, they ask if they should try to patent it. This is a question that requires input from you, because the answer [...]
People often want to know what is required for an idea to be patentable. For utility applications, the requirements are that the invention be new, not obvious in light of what already was known, [...]
As a patent attorney, this is a question I hear often. Anyone who has come up with an idea has wondered this. It’s a great question: your invention could be a key component of a business, [...]